Commitment to Social Responsibility
Savinco Social Finance has been part of our bussines group specialized in financial advice, technology and financial education since 1987. We wanted to use our more than 30 years of experience to promote social inclusion though financial education, savings and technology as the base of the pyramid. One of the main impediments to the development of people living in poverty is their lack of savings. This deficiency leads to strong dependency and a permanent vulnerability. But can people save money until they reach financial independency? The answer is absolutely yes. But how? Through practical financial education based on saving in a safe, flexible, transparent, cheap (without commissions) and profitable way. We form groups of between 15 and 30 people linked by strong bonds of trust. We teach them saving techniques, to make collective decisions and to finance themselves throught their savings. We provide them with necessary technology to save in an organized and transparent way. This is “save to learn”. Educate to generate long-term saving habits and management skills.Moving Silver: a micro-saving project developed by the I&C Foundation
What we do
We promote small communities (10 to 30 people) based on mutual trust
We teach them how to manage long-term savings by themselves
We help them to organise and regulate themselves
We help them manage their loans and their accounting records as a community
We train them to make democratic decisions
100% practical and collective methodology
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